Saturday, October 31, 2015

Time to Carve

This afternoon we made pumpkin spice milkshakes with whipped cream and sprinkles, then got to work on carving the pumpkin!

Mom cut it open but it was my job to clean out the insides. Look at all that pulp!

I set aside the seeds so we could bake them. With a dash of salt they are delicious!

Of course I wanted my pumpkin to feature a fish. 

Tada! My spooky pumpkin inspired by the sea!

xo, Winnie

Friday, October 30, 2015

Pumpkin picking!

I haven't written in a while, school has been keeping me plenty busy! 

This week my mom and I went out and picked the perfect pumpkin for Halloween! Mom also took the opportunity to take lots of photos of me in the pretty, colourful leaves!

My pumpkin is bigger than my head!! It will be loads of fun to carve.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Halloween weekend. Can't wait to reveal my Halloween costume, stay tuned!
xo Winnie