Friday, August 28, 2015

Park Playdate

As promised, I took Reese to the park behind our neighborhood today. We had a lot of fun!

The trail up to the lookout is really steep! I found a great walking stick but brave Reese trekked along on her own.

We rested at the top and enjoyed the view. Do you see the brown leaves that are already on the ground? There is even a cool breeze in the air. Autumn is coming, I can't wait!

xoxo, Winnie

Thursday, August 27, 2015

New neighbors

I'm enjoying the last few relaxing days of summer vacation. The weather has been perfect!

This afternoon as I was finishing up my assigned summer readings (I saved the science for last because it's the best!), the doorbell rang.

It was my new neighbor, Reese Yang. The Yang family just moved into my neighborhood, and when Reese heard there was another 9 year old girl living here, she wanted to make friends!

Mom and I invited her to the park for a playdate this weekend so she can get to know the area. Best of all we'll be starting at the same school next week! I'm so excited to get to know my new friend Reese!

Family Reunion

Earlier this summer, my cousins came over from Russia for a family reunion in our grandparents' hometown. I was really glad to see them, and they wanted to know all about what American kids are doing for fun. Lily had heard about the ice bucket challenge a while back and asked us to help her do it! Nadya and I played camera-women for the stunt.

We didn't do much sight seeing, because our grandparents live in a small town. But one thing Nadya really wanted to do was go to the movies! We went several times while they were here. One day I even treated, I felt very grown up because I used my own money and mom dropped us off and let us go inside alone!

I always have so much fun with my cousins, I wish they lived a lot closer! But it helps to know I'll see them again soon. 

xoxo, Winnie

Saturday, August 22, 2015


Hey, everybody, thanks for checking out my brand new blog! Some might know I've had Facebook for years, and my mom is a member of AGPlaythings, but writing is a brand new step for me! I hope I'm good at it.

I thought for my first entry I'd give a little bio. Enjoy and see you again soon!


Name: Winnie, after the girl in the book Tuck Everlasting...NOT the bear!!
Age: 9 - My birthday is January 11th!
Hometown: I was born in the small fishing town of Barrington, in Nova Scotia, Canada
Family: Two of my very best friends are my Russian cousins, Nadezhda and Lily. They live in Russia so I only get to see them on holidays or at family gatherings. They normally visit here but one year I lived with them in St. Petersburg! It was a lot of fun going to their school and learning all about science from the Russian point of view!

Lily, Nadya and I last Christmas Eve 

Fave color: Green! Or pink. It changes.
Pets: I have two fish named Nemo and Ruth
Best friend: Besides my cousins, my new friend Reese is my best friend
Hobbies: Since I want to be a marine biologist, going to aquariums and of course the beach are my favorite things. I like sailing and collecting sea shells and really enjoy science classes at school. I also like to garden. On special occasions I get to go camping, which is the best!! I have a telescope at home now but nothing beats stargazing in the wild.

Collecting seashells

Finally, if you want to connect with me even more, check the links on the right side bar to visit my Flickr and Facebook. You can also chat up my mom over on AGPlaythings, her username is AG2Elizabeths. Til next time!

xoxo, Winnie